When I Drink I Get Angry at My Boyfriend (6 Reasons Why)

Have you ever gotten angry at your boyfriend after a few drinks? This happens to many people. But if it keeps happening, there are likely deeper issues.

When I Drink I Get Angry at My Boyfriend

Drinking alcohol can make people say and do regrettable things. Some folks bottle up their feelings when sober. For them, drinking provides an outlet to let out built-up thoughts and emotions in unhealthy ways. Often, this comes out as irrational anger toward loved ones.

If you keep getting extra angry at your boyfriend when drunk, this article will help you understand why. We’ll also give tips to help you change this habit. You can alter your drinking or get professional help to manage anger.

The goal is to have healthy relationships where you comfortably express your feelings. You won’t need liquid confidence to open up. Let’s explore reasons why alcohol may change you into an angry person with your boyfriend. Knowing the cause can help you take steps to improve communication and deal with the problem.

Reasons Why You Get Angry at Your Boyfriend When You Are Drunk

1. You’re in a Toxic Relationship

Being in an unhealthy relationship can make anyone feel trapped or anxious. Some people can easily voice their unhappiness right away. Others keep quiet and bottle up their true feelings.

The alcohol disables your filter, letting out pent-up emotions. But instead of constructive communication, what comes out is irrational anger and fighting.

This suggests the relationship has become toxic for you. Toxic relationships demand more than they give back. They drain you rather than provide comfort. Suppressing resentment might be simple in the short term. But it backfires when you get drunk and lash out in misdirected anger.

Accepting when a relationship turns toxic is hard. Examining your reasons for frustration with your boyfriend requires honesty with yourself. If booze keeps unmasking deep unhappiness, it may signal this relationship causes you more harm than good. Don’t continually suppress grievances. Be free to let go and seek a relationship that calms you.

2. You Suppress Your True Feelings

Toxic relationships aren’t the only cause for getting angry at your boyfriend while drunk. Some people generally struggle to express emotions openly when sober.

Past embarrassment may have taught you to keep feelings bottled up. Or you overthink sharing vulnerabilities, fearing judgment. Whatever the reason, you likely tend to bury grievances and put on a happy face.

Unfortunately, suppressed feelings don’t disappear. Drinking removes inhibitions, opening the floodgates. Out pours pent-up anger, resentment, and more. But this unfiltered venting only harms relationships.

Try to identify why you find it so hard to share your authentic emotions when sober. Seek help from a counselor if needed to address this. Developing skills to communicate openly and directly can improve your relationship. You’ll no longer need drinking to say how you feel.

3. You Can’t Handle Alcohol Well

Some people simply don’t react well when drinking alcohol. Even a little bit can impair judgment, lower inhibitions, and alter moods.

If you become irrational, belligerent, or verbally abusive to your boyfriend when intoxicated, alcohol clearly brings out your dark side. 

It’s not unusual for folks to get meaner and more aggressive when drunk. However, consistent drunken anger toward loved ones points to an alcohol abuse problem.

If booze frequently turns you into a nasty, argumentative person, it may be best to quit drinking altogether. Or at least limit alcohol consumption to safe levels. Handling emotions when sober can be hard work. But learning coping skills without drinking is worth it for your health and relationships.

4. You’ve Fallen Out of Love

Sometimes, alcohol reveals truths that our sober minds try to hide. 

When drunk, previously buried frustrations come out as anger toward him. This suggests you’ve fallen out of love and missed the freedom before this relationship.

Your boyfriend’s responsible planning for the future may have once seemed mature. But now it annoys you, as you yearn for the carefree days of spending freely and living messily.

You care for your boyfriend, but the romance has faded. Drinking reveals changed feelings.

Realizing you’ve fallen out of love is complicated. But trying to force a relationship that no longer fits will only breed more resentment. Be honest with yourself and your partner. Part kindly if needed, before anger and toxicity take over.

5. Alcohol Changes Your Personality

Alcoholism can make you more prone to anger. Excessive alcohol consumption affects your impulse control. This makes it hard to regulate emotions well.

For some people, drinking alcohol profoundly alters their personality and behavior. It’s like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde – they become an entirely different person when intoxicated.

Does booze transform you into a mean, foul-mouthed version of yourself? Do you later regret the insensitive or hurtful things you said while drunk? If so, alcohol drastically changes who you are.

When inhibited by alcohol, you may see your caring boyfriend as hostile and critical. In reality, the intoxicant impairs your judgment, putting thoughts in your head that aren’t really there.

If drinking frequently makes you verbally abusive to loved ones, consider getting help. Learn to manage stress and cope with emotions without needing liquid courage. Protect your relationships from the dark side alcohol brings out.

6. You Know His Secret

It’s human nature to share juicy gossip about others’ misdeeds. But when it’s your own boyfriend’s scandalous secret, anger more often results.

Do you resent your boyfriend for a deception he thinks you’re unaware of? Is a dirty secret making you view him differently without proof to confront him?

When you’re not drunk, you might pretend that the secret doesn’t bother you. But over time, you begin to feel more suspicious and frustrated. Eventually, one day, you can’t hold it in any longer and start having drunken outbursts.

Rather than seething in silence waiting for liquor to loosen your lips, have an open discussion. Calmly explain your concerns and hear his side. With honesty on both sides, you can resolve the issue or decide to part ways.

Suppressing upsets will only lead to more drunken arguments. Get problems out in the open so they no longer fuel anger.

Tips for Coping with Drunk Anger Towards Your Boyfriend

Alcohol can increase feelings of aggression and anger problems in some people. If you keep getting angry at your boyfriend when drinking, it likely signals alcohol is fueling aggression issues. This needs to be addressed. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Recognizing alcohol triggers your anger issues is the first step. Look at your relationship with alcohol. Get counseling to address any underlying anger issues or alcoholism.

Have a sober discussion about recurring drunk arguments

Having a sober discussion about your drunk anger is key. Choose a relaxed time when neither of you has been drinking alcohol. This prevents irrational arguments fueled by intoxication.

Be honest about frustrations you suppress sober but explode about when drunk. Explain why you can’t directly express emotions without alcohol’s influence. Ask your boyfriend’s perspective on the root of the recurring fights.

Listen without getting defensive. Reflect on whether pent-up annoyances come from an unhealthy relationship or your drinking problem. Set rules like no serious talks if either of you has been drinking.

Addressing the causes behind your drunken anger will help you communicate true feelings sober. Seeking professional help can aid this difficult process of control and self-understanding.

Consider Couples Therapy

If talking calmly about issues is hard, couples therapy can be an effective option. A therapist facilitates productive dialogues in a neutral setting.

Counseling teaches communication and conflict-resolution skills. You’ll get better at fighting fair through practice.

Unpacking suppressed emotions and resentments is key. The counselor will help you understand why alcohol makes you so aggressive.

Counseling provides tools to have caring talks sober. You’ll need less liquid courage as you grow more comfortable sharing feelings honestly.

While counseling is challenging, it strengthens relationships. You’ll better express your true self without irrational drunken anger.

Examine your reasons for drinking

Look honestly at your overall relationship with alcohol. Many drink to relieve stress or loosen up socially. But relying too heavily on booze can be unhealthy.

Reflect on your motivations for drinking. Do you use it to unwind daily or suppress difficult thoughts and emotions? 

Consider taking a break from drinking to observe its impacts on your mood and behavior. Decreasing or stopping alcohol use has helped many people improve relationships damaged by drunken actions.

Seeking counseling on potential alcohol misuse can also provide insight. Being honest about alcohol’s role is key to making changes.

Addressing an unhealthy alcohol relationship requires effort but promotes emotional control. You’ll then better communicate with your partner sober, without angry outbursts.

Addressing Alcohol Consumption

If drinking is fueling anger management problems, reducing consumption or quitting completely may be necessary. This requires honesty, commitment, and perseverance.

Keep track of drinks consumed and situations when anger arises. This illuminates alcohol’s role. Share findings with your partner and support others. Accountability helps.

Set clear goals to drink less. Examples are a limit of drinks per day or week, only drinking at certain times, or quitting completely. Tell others your goals so they can support you.

Build a toolbox of ways to manage anger without drinking. Try breathing exercises, walking away, writing in a journal, or talking to a friend when upset. Use these tools instead of alcohol.

Consider counseling or group support like Alcoholics Anonymous. Guidance from those who’ve navigated the struggle helps. Know that stumbles happen; get back on track.

Apologizing for Hurtful Drunken Behavior

When alcohol makes you verbally aggressive with your boyfriend, take accountability once sober again. Don’t blame the drinking – you still chose those actions.

Sincerely apologize for the anger and specific hurtful behaviors. Acknowledge the pain your words may have caused. Make it clear you want to improve and prevent future drunken outbursts.

Explain that you struggle with suppressing emotions when sober. But this doesn’t excuse your actions. Validate his feelings. Ask how to rebuild trust.

Promise to address your unhealthy drinking and suppressed anger problems. With commitment, apologies can lead to laughter, trust, and joy again.

Evaluating the Relationship

If drunken anger persists despite best efforts, take time to evaluate if this relationship is truly right for both of you.

Honestly reflect on whether you are still compatible. Think about if you stay just because it’s comfortable. Is toxicity breeding resentment? Can you still grow together?

Decide what is best for your happiness – together, apart, or a fresh start. You deserve fulfillment, whether with this partner or not.

Consider whether the influence of alcohol exacerbates issues or illuminates why you become angry with your partner when you drink.

If you’ve grown apart or no longer make each other happy, letting go with love and respect may be healthiest. This courageous decision allows you both to find fulfillment.

However, if you believe the relationship is worth salvaging, keep communicating openly and working through challenges. Commit to managing anger and alcohol consumption issues. Mutual love and effort can triumph.

Decide what’s best for your well-being. You deserve happiness – whether that’s together, apart, or starting anew.

How Drinking Can Ruin Your Relationship?

We’ve all heard love songs glorifying drinking with your sweetheart. But before you get carried away, know that alcohol can also destroy relationships when abused. Let’s reflect on the potential consequences.

  • Alcohol impairs decision-making. In the influence of the moment, you may say and do things you later regret.
  • Alcohol lowers inhibitions and can make some people become impulsive, aggressive, or angry. This can spark fights and lead to domestic violence, severely damaging relationships.
  • Excessive drinking can lead to alcoholism, a serious disease that destroys lives. Quitting requires intense commitment and treatment.
  • Combining anger issues with alcohol abuse is like throwing fuel on a fire. Alcohol reduces impulse control, making anger management even more difficult.
  • Drunk actions often make loved ones feel betrayed or unsafe. Mending broken trust after alcohol-induced incidents takes tremendous time and effort.
  • While drinking may provide a brief escape, the negative consequences always outweigh the fleeting buzz. Hurting others or yourself is never worth it.

The key is being able to enjoy alcohol in moderation without allowing it to control your behavior or ruin relationships. But for some, abstaining completely is healthiest.