When A Guy French Kisses You On The First Date (11 Reasons)

How often have a guy kissed you on your first date? That too French kiss!

When A Guy French Kisses You On The First Date

Being kissed on the first date by a guy is always considered a sign of interest and a positive development. There is more chance of a relationship as the guy found you attractive enough to kiss you. But a French kiss is not as common as many would consider it as taking too far on the first date.

Were you okay with it? Did the guy really mean to French kiss you on the first date? Was it just a casual act for him? Or does he mean anything deeper? Do you consider it a positive sign or treat it as a red flag?

So many questions are bound to pop up in your mind after such a first date. You may want to know how you should react to this close encounter and what is expected of you.

In this article, you will find the probable reasons why this guy French kissed you on the first date. This article will also tell you what you should do when a guy French kisses you.

Why did the guy French kiss you on the first date?

It’s not common to be French kissed on the first date by a guy. So, if this guy knew the etiquette of dating, he wouldn’t initiate a French kiss. But again, he may have had his own reasons for initiating this. It can be a well-meant gesture or a spontaneous romantic act. 

Despite knowing this is not normal when a guy indulges in such an intimate expression of love, it means he has made up his mind about you. These are a few reasons why a guy would make such a bold move.

1. He wants to make the first date memorable

The first date comes only once for him and you. The guy already feels attracted to you and knows that this is a relationship for a lifetime. Naturally, he wants to make the occasion memorable. What better way than taking the not-so-usual route of a French kiss?

The guy may also take this step to create an impression on your mind. He may be feeling insecure about himself and he French kissed you to cover up his inadequacies and present an image of an alpha male to you. This may be the case, if you feel that this was planned and he tries to dominate you. Then, the guy will typically plan it to happen at the beginning or the end of the first date.

2. He wants to create a lasting impression 

When a guy French kisses you, you cannot help but notice this person. There is nothing casual about it. It’s clear that you are attracted to each other, even if this is just a spark and not long-lasting. Most probably, you feel attracted enough to have a serious romantic relationship with him.

Maybe none of this would have happened if the guy hadn’t French kissed you on your first date. It would have been just another normal first date and you would have moved on. When the guy initiated the French kiss, it made you sit up and take notice. He created a lasting impression about the close connection you share. You may even end up sharing a lifetime together because of that single French kiss he gave you on the first date.

3. He wants you to know that he loves you

By kissing you, the guy is showing his affection for you. In the context of a romantic relationship, French kisses would fill in the role. This intimate gesture will help you understand how much he loves and cares about you. Without this kiss, it may take you a long time to get to this level of intimacy. In that way, it can be said that a French kiss is a shortcut to love and relationship.

When the guy French kisses you, how does it make you feel? Special? Loved and cherished? Though French kisses are often considered a sexual act of pleasure, they can also be interpreted as a show of unvarnished affection. You will get to know his feelings towards you by paying close attention to his body language and mannerisms when the guy French kisses you. 

Did the guy make eye contact?

Did the guy run his hands through your hair?

Did the guy caress you or hold your hand?

Did the guy show interest in you as a person?

Was the guy concerned about your safety and well-being?

If the answer to the above questions is “yes”, look no further. The guy is a keeper.

4. He wants to set the ball rolling

The guy is well aware that this is just the first date. But he already knows so much about you and feels that you are the right one for him. As far as he is concerned there is no more need to know you better before getting serious. He feels that he has waited for a long time for the right person to come along and he isn’t in the mood to wait any further.

Moreover, the guy knows that when he starts to French kiss you, he will know your reaction immediately. You will either respond positively, which means you too like him and want to be in a relationship with him. From your negative reaction, he will know not to waste any more time.

Again, for you, French kisses are strong signals from him that this guy likes you. You can also look for his gestures and body language. How passionate he is when kissing you? How long did it last? Was there any awkwardness right after the guy French kissed you?

5. He’s in a comfort zone with you

You may have met him socially before in bigger groups and this guy knows you well enough to be in a comfort zone when alone with you. He may have been noticing you for some time, maybe even without you being aware of it. So, for him, a close encounter or even a French kiss with you on the first date is no big deal. He didn’t feel that this was such a big leap.

As this guy has been assessing you for some time from a distance, he must be sure of your reaction to a French kiss. He may feel that you won’t object to French kisses as you too have known him for some time. A French kiss happens only when both partners are in a comfort zone with each other.

6. He feels strongly about you

The guy may not have talked to you about his feelings for you because he never got an opportunity. After all, this is just your first date. But you may have known each other for some time now through mutual friends. He constantly interacts with you in a group setting and is well aware of your hopes, dreams, and plans for the future. 

Before a guy attempts to French kiss you, he will make sure that you would agree with this and like it too. As far as he knows, you would like it. So, he goes ahead with it. Moreover, he was finding it hard to rein in his passion for you. He feels this is a better way to let you know how he feels rather than saying it to you in words.

7. He wants to speed up things between the two of you

Until now, things have been pretty slow between you. You have met in a group setting and never alone. In the usual scheme of things, this guy knows that it will take considerable time for your relationship to evolve organically. There is no harm in that except he is impatient. He wants to fast-forward your relationship.

This guy considers French kissing you as a shortcut to give a boost to the relationship. He knows that if he allows things to proceed in the normal course, it will take him considerable time to make a close connection with you. Instead, he felt this will speed things up between the two of you.

8. He’s clear about what he wants

This guy has already made up his mind about you and your future together. So, he doesn’t find the need to wait for the usually acceptable time to make his move. He feels that he will be wasting his time beating around the bush. Instead, he makes his intention clear by French kissing you on the first date itself.

A guy may have another reason to think this way. The guy may be a cool customer, not easily swayed by anything or anyone. Normally, nothing can bother him physically or emotionally. He’s confident and in complete control. Once such a guy makes up his mind about something, he will just carry it through, no matter what. He will stick with his plan, even if things don’t go their way. This is what is happening here.

The advantage of dating such a guy is that he’s reliable and rarely cheats.

9. He finds it hard to resist you

This guy is bowled over by you. He finds you too seductive and attractive to resist your charm on the first date. The guy knows that if he dates you in the usual way, things may or may not go his way. As you are a very attractive woman, you may have others queuing up and he may not find favor with you. He isn’t ready to accept this outcome. Instead, he is taking things into his hand and forcing you to take notice of him and even accept him on the first date.

If you find him overly enthusiastic or aggressive, you should let him know immediately. Unless you take steps to control his eagerness, you may find yourself in undesirable situations later on. Even if a guy loves you crazy, your consent matters. 

10. He thought you wanted him to

You may or may not have sent the guy a signal letting him know your interest in him and inviting him for a close connection with you. But he sensed such a signal from you and believed in it because he was already in love with you. Your guy considered this as a green light to go ahead with the relationship on your part. 

And, this guy acted upon this signal by French kissing you, though this was just your first date. You may feel taken aback by his move if you never sent him such a signal. But he would be acting as if you wanted him to initiate a close encounter. On the other hand, if you indeed sent him an inviting signal, you would welcome this bold move on his part.

11. He did it in the heat of the moment

This guy had no plans to French kiss you on the first date. He has never done this before or considered this appropriate. However, when he saw you and found you alluring, he couldn’t resist himself. Without a second thought, he went ahead and kissed you. Even he was taken aback by his own actions. 

People do all kinds of things in the heat of the moment. If a guy pauses to think about the ramifications, he may never do the same. Later on, when he realizes what he has done, he may even regret his actions. This is one such occasion. As long as your reaction remains positive, your guy will continue on the same path. If you resist his advances or protest, he may be forced to rethink his actions.

The Bottom Line

It’s not common for a guy to initiate a French kiss on the first date. Couples usually take time to know each other well before proceeding to this stage in the relationship. However, for this guy, it isn’t essential to know you well to French kiss you. He felt like it and he kissed. That is all there is for him.

What this guy did wasn’t fair to you. He never asked for your consent or whether you like it. He isn’t even concerned whether you are the right person for him or whether you are okay with it. Though a guy with good intentions may also do the same, the vibes and signals this guy exudes are weird and confusing.

This guy may be taking a chance with you when he French kissed you on the first date. Or, the most simple of all explanations – the guy is a jerk. 

Irrespective of what the guy did, you need to think for yourself and decide how you want to take this forward. Don’t feel apprehensive or hesitant to treat this as a red flag and express your concerns if you didn’t like the gesture. If you did like it, just close your eyes and enjoy it.
