What To Say When A Girl Says Yes To A Date?

Congratulations! You worked up the courage to ask out a girl you like, and she said yes. Getting that first “yes” sets the stage for a fantastic first date. But it’s not time to relax now. 

What To Say When A Girl Says Yes To A Date

You need to respond the right way – immediately after she says yes and later when you set up the specifics of when and where you’ll go out.

How you respond and treat her leading up to the date matters. The good news is that it’s not too hard to get it right! Say and do thoughtful things that will make a great impression. This will get things off on the right foot.

In this short guide, you’ll get tips on exactly what to say back to her initial yes, how to plan the specifics of where you’ll go, and how to make her feel unique as the date approaches.

Follow this advice, and your chances for date success will be strong!

6 Tips For What To Say When A Girl Says Yes To A Date

You worked up the courage to ask her, and she said yes! You want to ensure you respond correctly to get things off on the best foot.

Use these tips to express your interest, plan the date, and create a meaningful experience leading up to your time together.

1. Show Your Excitement

When she says yes, let her know how thrilled and excited you are! Comments like “Awesome, I’m so excited to go on a date with you!” and “No way, I can’t believe you said yes, I’m so happy!” convey your enthusiasm.

She’ll feel good seeing genuine excitement and eagerness from you. Say something like:

  • “This is awesome! I’m counting down the days already.”
  • “You just made my day. I can’t stop smiling!”

Respond with palpable excitement, both in your facial expressions and your words. She’ll pick up on the authentic joy you feel about her saying yes.

2. Thank Her

In addition to showing excitement, you must thank her and let her know you appreciate her agreeing to the date. Simply working a “Thanks so much for saying yes, I appreciate you giving me this chance” into the conversation goes a long way. Text or message her something like:

  • “I just wanted to repeat, thanks for agreeing to hang out. I was nervous asking, but I’m delighted I did!”
  • “Seriously, thanks a million for saying yes. I’m so excited about this!”

Thanking her graciously makes it clear that you recognize she has plenty of options and are grateful she chose you. This thoughtfulness will impress her and get things moving in a very positive direction!

3. Ask Her Preferences

Now that she has agreed to go out, ask her for some input on what she might enjoy doing on the date. Try “What’s your favorite cuisine?” or “I’m open to dinner, a concert, or a walk in the park – what date ideas sound fun to you?” Getting her preferences makes her feel considered and invested right out of the gate.

Some examples of what to say:

  • “Is there a type of food you’ve wanted to try lately?”
  • “I want you to enjoy yourself, too, so what activity would you be up for doing?”

Seeking her preferences shows you sincerely care that she has a good time. It also sparks ideas you may not have thought of yourself!

4. Set Plans Quickly

While you have momentum after she says yes, go ahead and secure the date and time for your outing quickly, if possible. This exhibits confidence and decisiveness and keeps her excitement up. Try asking, “Are you free this Friday night to grab dinner?” Locking in logistics swiftly prevents her interest from waning if you wait too long.

As you nail down details, keep it polite by saying:

  • “No pressure, of course, but I thought I’d see if Saturday works for us to meet.”
  • “If you have conflicts for Friday, no problem; just let me know what could work for you.”

Message or tell her when you’re thinking of the date, but provide flexibility if her schedule differs. Setting the stage early will allow you both to anticipate and look forward to your upcoming time together!

5. Keep the Conversation Going

After she said yes, try to keep the conversation flowing as usual in the days leading up to the big date. This will maintain both your excitement and attraction as the date draws closer.

Bring up specifics about your plans to remind her it’s approaching:

  • “I made reservations at Sapori di Napoli, that new Italian place you mentioned you wanted to try! Everything still good for Friday?”
  • “Just a heads up, I’m getting tickets for the 7 pm showing of that movie you talked about recently. Is it still on for Saturday?”

When you demonstrate listening by referencing previous conversations, it shows her you were genuinely interested in a girl like her all along. 

6. Promise to Take Care of Her

Finally, as the scheduled date nears, reassure her by saying something like, “I’ll pick you up at 6 on Saturday and promise to have you home by 11”. This commitment conveys that her comfort, safety, and care are your top concerns.

Other examples:

  • “Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll handle all the planning, and you show up!”
  • “And, of course, just say the word if you ever feel uncomfortable, and I’m happy to bring you home.”

It is upfront that you’re a gentleman who will look out for her show of thoughtfulness that is hugely attractive to any girl before a first date. 

How to Make Her Feel Special 

The date is set, and it’s time to increase her anticipation. Use the days leading up to your outing to show how much you care.

1. Keep talking to her more before the date

In the days after she says “yes,” keep your regular conversations going. This maintains both of your excitement as the outing approaches. Use this as an opportunity to flirt more and strengthen your connection.

For example:

  • “I loved our conversation last night about your favorite music. I’ll make a playlist for our drive on the date!”
  • “Counting down the days until I get you all to myself on our date!”

Flirting with her more leading up to the date builds attraction. She’ll be happily reminded that she said yes to spending time with a guy who likes her.

2. Reference previous conversations

Also, reference conversations you’ve had before when you speak:

  • “I got reservations at that salsa dancing place you told me about last week. Still up for giving it a try on our date?”
  • “Made sure to get tickets for the 7 pm showing of that movie you talked about. Still down for next Friday?”

Showing you were paying attention and remembered what she said will reassure her that you’re genuinely interested in her as a person and not just wanting any random date. This is very attractive!

3. Offer to pick out a new restaurant she might like

Since she said “yes” to a date with you, offer to put in the effort to find a new restaurant she’d like:

“I know you’re always down to try unique food places. If you’re up for something new, I’ll find a cool spot with cuisine you haven’t had!”

Researching and picking an intriguing new restaurant shows initiative. 

4. Promise to get her home safely

Finally, ease any worries by reassuring her:

“I’ll pick you up at 7:00 for our date and promise to have you home by 11 so your parents don’t worry.”

Making it clear upfront that you’ll take good care of her and get her home safe makes a great impression. It demonstrates your maturity and that you’re a gentleman who looks out for those he cares about. 

Do’s For Your Date

You’ve covered what to say when asking her out and making plans. Now, let’s look at tips for the big day itself – simple things you can do to help ensure things go smoothly when the time comes.

1. Arrive early

Be sure to arrive early when picking her up for your date. This shows eagerness, planning, and respect for her time.

2. Listen more than talk

During the date itself, focus on being an engaged, active listener. Let her share and open up before you talk about yourself. She’ll feel heard and interested.

3. Try foods she likes

If she wants to share a favorite dish, be adventurous and try it open-mindedly. She’ll find it very thoughtful that you want to try what she likes.

4. Talk about her interests

To keep the conversation fun, bring up light topics like her hobbies, favorite music, or TV shows. Showing genuine curiosity about her interests keeps things upbeat and helps you make more personalized connections. This active interest and attention make her feel special.

5. Offer to drive her home

At the end of the date, offer to drive her home safely. This shows that you care for her well-being and want to ensure she gets home comfortably. Let her feel taken care of.

Text her after to say you had a lovely time. Follow up after with a text saying:

“I had such a nice time with you this evening! I loved the restaurant you picked – the food was delicious. And mini golf was a blast, even though you beat me by a few strokes! Our date and your fun company made for a wonderful night out.”

6. Ask before posting any pictures together

If you took any cute selfies together, ask politely before posting them anywhere:

“I like how this pic of us turned out! Mind if I post it on my Instagram?”

Seeking her consent first is respectful and gives her control. She’ll appreciate you didn’t assume it was okay.

Don’ts For Your Date

You know what to do on the big date. Here are some things to avoid so you don’t sabotage yourself accidentally. Steer clear of these pitfalls when you go out with her.

1. Brag about yourself

Sharing positive things is excellent, but don’t monopolize the conversation by boasting. Keep things balanced so she can open up, too. 

2. Be on your phone

Stay present during your date. You are glancing at your phone, which signals you’re bored and uninterested in her company. Make her feel she has your full attention.

3. Bring up exes or past relationships

It’s best not to mention past dating history unless she asks. Instead, keep the conversation focused on getting to know each other in the present moment. 

4. Pressure her into anything

Go at her pace regarding physical touch, locations to go, personal information she shares, etc. Rushing or pushing her boundaries makes her uncomfortable. 

Final Thoughts

Landing that crucial first “yes” to a date is an exciting milestone! Now you’re equipped with tips on responding when she agrees, planning the logistics smoothly, and thoughtful gestures leading up to your time together.

Following this advice shows her your genuine interest, care, and responsibility – all attractive qualities.

Putting thought into the date also gets your connection off to a thoughtful start as you continue getting to know each other.

Bring your best self, focus on having fun, and don’t worry about trying to be perfect. Making her smile and feel comfortable so she’s happily looking forward to another date with you is what matters most!