Do Drunk Kisses Mean Anything?

Hey there, fellow readers! Today, we’re diving into the world of smooches and whether those tipsy kisses hold any true meaning. You know, the kind that happens when folks have had a bit too much to drink? Intriguing, right? Let’s take a closer look and find out!

Do Drunk Kisses Really Mean Something

Kisses, as you probably know, are super personal and can say a lot about someone’s feelings and intentions. And when a kiss goes down under the influence of some boozy drinks, it can show a whole new level of vulnerability in the person puckering up.

Now, we might wonder, are these drunk kisses actually real? Well, many people think they are. But, here’s the catch – there are other things we need to think about too. Like, how long have you known each other? What’s the nature of your relationship? These factors can totally come into play and mix things up a bit.

So, stick around, folks! We’re about to explore all the ins and outs of this fascinating topic, and you’ll get to see just how these human behaviors can be influenced. It’s gonna be an exciting ride, and you won’t wanna miss it!

The significance of drunk kisses revealed!

Intoxicated kisses generally indicate that the kisser has long found you appealing. They are not arbitrary acts; rather, they stem from thoughts planted in the mind earlier. 

Keep reading for further meanings!

1. The kisser finds you attractive

You hold a certain level of appeal in the realm of attraction. The kisser harbors a fondness for you unless you make the first move, which would indicate your interest. In any case, so long as you both enjoyed the experience, no harm was done. 

Paying attention to subtle cues, such as whether your eyes were open or closed during the drunk kiss and the placement of your hands, can indicate the level of comfort shared between you.

2. You’re hard to resist

Being kissed implies that you possess an irresistible quality. You had that special something that rendered the other person vulnerable on that particular night. This allure isn’t solely related to physical beauty; it can also be attributed to your words, perspective, or achievements.

For some individuals, being seen with you holds great significance. However, it is crucial to exercise caution when engaging with others. While many will come your way, it doesn’t mean you have to be kind to every single one of them.

3. He/she is a great kisser

The kisser may have wanted to showcase their kissing skills, as there are various ways to be kissed. Reflecting on how you were kissed can provide further insights. 

A simple touch of the lips could be considered cute, indicating that while the kisser wanted closeness, they respected certain boundaries and would rather wait for sobriety.

If it involved a French kiss, it suggests the kisser was experienced and intentional. The drunk kiss was not impulsive but rather meant to hold meaning or leave an impact. 

If the drunk kiss was more passionate and went beyond a mere kiss, it could indicate a desire on your part to indulge in a night of abandon. While it carries no harm, it may not come with any commitments. You might want to view it as a one-time occurrence, to be forgotten.

4. Your lips are lovely and inviting

Lips come in various forms. If you possess a distinctive pair that exudes a captivating aura, it’s natural for people to be drawn to it. This behavior is common among humans. We are inherently attracted to the allure of the unusual and exotic. Lovely lips carry a sense of sensuality and eroticism, enhancing the beauty of the face.

Such fascination with unique lips is not necessarily connected to one’s personality or other inherent characteristics. It stems from a deep appreciation for beauty in all its forms.

5. Kissing is taboo for those in a committed relationship

Taboos can lead individuals to engage in illicit activities, such as kissing someone they should not due to a committed relationship. This behavior may indicate that they entertain unconventional fantasies.

Their mindset might be distorted, lacking moral judgment. It is crucial to avoid involving yourself in such circumstances. While it may have temporarily evoked positive emotions, nothing should outweigh your dignity.

Be cautious of individuals who may conveniently disappear from your life, as there is a risk of being ghosted by such individuals.

6. The kiss is just a prelude

The drunk kiss is meant to serve as a prelude to foreplay, indicating a potentially deeper intention. While it began with a kiss, it could lead to much more intimate acts.

If the kiss was solely a result of being intoxicated and didn’t progress further, it suggests the kisser desired it to be a recurring occurrence rather than a one-time event. This indicates strong emotions toward you.

It is important to observe their behavior the day after. If they act normally, maybe the kisser doesn’t even remember the kiss. Awkwardness in their behavior implies uncertainty about your feelings. If they openly discuss it, it shows their interest in you, even if they label it as silly or insignificant.

7. The kisser is desperate and miserable

The kiss could have arisen from a desire for immediate physical gratification and a sense of desperation. People can be driven by lust and seek sexual encounters at the earliest chance, which might explain the situation.

To understand the nature of the kiss, consider your own reaction. If you did not enjoy it or responded hesitantly, it may have prevented further escalation. Reflect on your current feelings. If the idea of kissing again repulses you, it may be best to treat the entire episode as an unpleasant dream and let it go.

8. The kisser is emotionally vulnerable

Perhaps it was a spontaneous act for both involved, driven by the intensity of the moment. One or both of you may have been experiencing heartbreak or emotional upheaval. The kiss served as a gesture of reassurance, a fleeting affirmation of life at that very instant. 

However, it might have been intended to exist solely for that moment, without any lasting significance.

9. The kisser believes you’re interested in them

It’s possible that you inadvertently conveyed hints or signals that led them to believe you were attracted to them. Alternatively, the person might be excessively self-assured, perceiving themselves as a sought-after celebrity. 

If this isn’t the case and you don’t share their feelings, don’t allow them to deceive you. However, if you do have genuine feelings for them, consider planning a date.

10. The kiss may have been prompted by your teasing

Maybe one of you engaged in a behavior that encouraged the other person to initiate the kiss. Examples of such actions could include pouting, winking, biting the lower lip, making passionate eye contact, purposefully leaning closer or bending down, or grooming oneself when in their presence. 

These actions can be seen as positive signs indicating mutual interest or attraction. Alternatively, they may signify a strong bond of closeness and friendship between the two of you.

What you should do in case you liked the kiss?

So, you enjoyed being kissed. The question before you is how to go forward. What should be your reaction and strategy?

If you liked it, you might want to prolong the moment and repeat the incident. 

Respond with as much passion as you can. It’s simple.

Here are a few steps you can consider taking.

Kiss back with equal passion: A strong mutual response can sustain the heat of the moment and lead to discussions about feelings. Even if it culminates in joyful laughter, it signifies a good time shared by both individuals. When engaging in such moments, try to align with the pace and gradually take control if desired. However, it’s important to avoid being overly hasty to avoid appearing needy.

Suggest a romantic location: To sustain the momentum, avoid being predictable or attempting to leave early. Instead, make an enticing suggestion that involves something romantic, such as a rooftop experience. Even if the offer is declined, it should be done reluctantly. 

Once trust is established, in a future encounter, you can work towards making that plan a reality. It’s important to convey genuine desire and a longing for the person, as it can be one of the most romantic ways to express your positive feelings and dreams about them.

Initiate a conversation: Expressing your feelings can strengthen a lasting friendship, providing comfort and support even if romantic love is not involved. The drunk friend may make you feel welcome and offer a safe haven during difficult times. It’s important not to keep your true emotions bottled up. Let them know how grateful you are for their presence and support.

Ask them to come over: If you are feeling generous, don’t hesitate to invite your drunk friend over. This can be exciting if there is a short drive involved. Observing their behavior in your home setting can provide insights into their character. Even if you don’t intend to extend the romance, there’s no harm in sitting together and enjoying mocha. This is a good chance to learn more about each other’s preferences.

Keep calm: In moments of excitement, it’s important to avoid panicking or creating chaos. Instead, take a few deep breaths to get rid of anxiety. Remember, you would like the drunk friend to appreciate you for who you truly are and may not want to create a fake impression about yourself. If you wish to conquer their heart, do so by showcasing your genuine virtues and qualities.

Give a tight hug: A hug can be a gentle way to initiate or conclude things when you have conflicting emotions. It grants you the space and time to contemplate and gain clarity. In the next meeting, you can align with your true feelings and make progress. 

Additionally, a hug signifies the level of comfort you share. Our bodies have a way of communicating and connecting with others. Embracing someone allows for a meaningful exchange, where you share a significant part of yourself.

What you should do in case you didn’t like it?

Don’t hesitate to let the kisser know about your dislike. Maybe you also wanted this to happen but didn’t enjoy the moment or even found it disgusting. For instance, a foul-smelling mouth can act as a wet blanket.

Here are some suggestions to deal with the situation in such a way that this won’t be repeated.

Call their friend: Maybe this person is refusing to leave and trying to harass you. Call emergency contact from their phone, asking them to be picked up. 

Casually mention the day after that they should try to limit their drinks so that they can remain sober. There’s no need for you to hide the reality or your disgust. Let them know how embarrassing their behavior was.

Drive them home: If you want to diffuse the situation, drive them home. You can meet again when sober. This will make them see you in a different light. You are not severing your relationship. On no account, accept their invitation to go in.

Leave it be: As long as the other person is keeping quiet about the incident, you too keep mum. If this is something you would rather forget, there’s no need for you to rake it up. It was, after all, a drunk kiss.

Give them a sarcastic response: Such as a mouth freshener. This will drive home your point better than hours of lecturing.

Talk to someone you trust: If you’re troubled by what happened, talk to a friend. It can help to calm your mind and gain clarity.

Let them know how much you hated it: This depends on your personality. It can be a slap or a not-so-nice facial expression. You may issue a warning or yell at them. 

Connect with them the day after: Don’t take any action immediately. Wait until the next day when things have cooled down. Anyway, this person is too drunk to hold a sensible conversation with.  

The Bottom Line

Drunk kisses can go either way, depending on the people involved. If the kisser is a pervert, you may feel traumatized by the incident. If you were kissed by someone you adore secretly, it could help break the ice. 
